Elevate your game in your creative space

Envision this: You are ready for your day – ready for business, ready to create! You walk into your office. What are you feeling – inspired? motivated? happy? invigorated?

Our latest blog inspired many of you to dig deeper into styling ideas for your home based office. Your inquiries could not have come at a better time as we are only 5 days away from Father’s Day. I’d like to pass on awesome savings for #boss office gifts.

Click on the image below to go to our masculine home office Kabuni showroom to gather inspiration and start shopping. Use ‘DAD150’ at checkout. This will save you $150 off any purchase over $500


Masculine home office

I’ve sourced a few items that are perfect to elevate the creative flow. There is a neutral zenful feeling with pops of yellow and orange – invigorating colors. Stimulating the mind through our senses is critical to our performance.

Remember, it’s all about implementing SOULutions into your space. Allow your creative goodness to simply flow. Your office should reflect you, the authentic you! Work is a term of the past, get ready to play every time you enter your creative space. And if you need us, we are just a phone call away:)

Click on the images below to start shopping, make sure to take advantage of the savings listed the beneath the set of images.


bear lounge chair & ottoman

russian hill desk - natural oak lucille floor lamp

buddha bustgable surya rugtrenton cabinet  - aged iron

andean multi glaze vasesleather magazine holderpen lines wall paper



Now, onto special savings:

Use ‘DAD150’ at checkout. This will save you $150 off any purchase over $500
Code expires June 19, 2016
Start shopping Kabuni

Styling Your Space The Store
Free shipping on orders over $50
Father’s Day sale: 5% to 60% off regular priced items. No code necessary.
Start shopping store.stylingyourspace.com

Contact us directly for special savings on Surya’s entire inventory.

/// bear lounge chair & ottoman /// russian hill desk -natural oak /// lucille floor lamp /// buddhabust /// gablerug /// trenton cabinet – aged iron /// leather-magazine-holder /// andean multiple zevases /// wallpaper projects

Enjoy the special savings:)

Happy Father’s Day to dads around the globe.

